Mutation Testing Author

Name: Hyunsook Do
Affiliation: North Dakota State University
1Hyunsook Do and Gregg Rothermel
On the Use of Mutation Faults in Empirical Assessments of Test Case Prioritization Techniques
{IEEE} Trans. Software Eng., 32(9), 2006.
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2Hyunsook Do and Gregg Rothermel
On the Use of Mutation Faults in Empirical Assessments of Test Case Prioritization Techniques
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 32(9), September 2006.
BibTeX | Abstract | URL
3Hyunsook Do and Gregg Rothermel
A Controlled Experiment Assessing Test Case Prioritization Techniques via Mutation Faults
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05)Budapest, Hungary, 25-30 September 2005.
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